Saturday, March 24, 2007

Miss Tennesse Wins Miss USA

Nice to see someone that is not so.....oh what shall I call it???? White? Win Miss USA this year. Miss Tennessee is almost the exact polar opposite of Tara Conner. She is dark skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. She is tall and lithe of figure, has a gorgeous smile and she actually looked like she was going to cry when she won!

None of that fakey crying for her, I actually believed that she was going to shed some tears.... Not that I really watched the whole thing, just the swimsuit part...Thanks to the hubby, and the very end, because I wanted to see who the final winner would be.

I honestly can't stand to see all those woman parading themselves around on stage for hours on end. I really find it pointless for National TV to publicize the whole thing. If I had cable or anything other than 2, yes that is a whole stinking 2! channels to choose from, I would not have been watching the Miss USA pagaent, well except to update my last story. ;0)

Here is the final line-up for those of you that didn't get the oh so awesome priveledge of watching:

4th runner up: Miss Nevada
3rd runner up: Miss California
2nd runner up: Miss Kansas
1st runner up: Miss Rhode Island - she actually looked relieved not to win!
Winner : Miss Tennessee

Miss Tara Conner gave an oh so humble speak about how Mr. Trump "saved her life" and how she will now be speaking out about alcohol and drug addiction, but I will believe that when I see it. Reserving further judgement on that one for now.

Hopefully the new MISS USA will do a better job of representing the young woman of the United States better than Miss Conner did.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.